Congratulations to Brent Hagg On His 10 Year Anniversary With Green Ivy!

Whether you’re a tenant, owner, or vendor if you’ve worked with Green Ivy you know Brent Hagg! Brent is officially celebrating his 10 year anniversary with Green Ivy this month and we wanted to publish a little Q & A with the man himself. Brent is the property manager and office manager at Green Ivy and we’re looking forward to having him for many more years to come!

Q: 10 years!  Wow…that’s a long time! What is your favorite memory from those first 10 years?

A: Yea…no kidding! Time flies when you’re having fun, right?!?  I would say overall my favorite memory was when we moved from our original/first offices on Lincoln Ave in North Center to our previous location on Belmont in Roscoe Village.  Our North Center offices were in an office suite building shared with dozens of other offices/businesses and I remember when we moved to our Belmont office (which was our own storefront/office) it just felt like things got super real!  It was sort of like this moment where we all looked at each other and said “Okay……we’re really doing this!!”.  Crazy to think how far we’ve come since then!


Q: Okay, how about your least favorite memory?

A: It’s hard to pinpoint one but we’ve had some really challenging and unfortunate scenarios occur with some of the units/buildings we manage.  It’s always tough to have to make that call to an owner to let them know their unit flooded or a pipe burst and water is gushing everywhere or their furnace and hot water heater died on the same day.  But that’s just part of the job.  It’s always tough for those owners but knowing they’re in good hands and working through those scenarios with them is quite literally what we do as property managers, so overall it feels good to help our clients out and get their properties/units all squared away.


Q:What’s the most rewarding part of your job with Green Ivy?

A: Piggybacking off my previous answer, quite simply helping our owners and our tenants out.  When you manage properties and units on a year to year basis, things are going to happen.  Things are going to break, systems are going to fail, issues are going to occur, so being able to effectively and efficiently manage those scenarios and ensure our owners that their properties are being taken care of and ensuring our tenants that we are here for them is very rewarding.  Hearing from owners and tenants that we are the best management company they’ve ever worked with is about as rewarding as it gets! 


Q:What are you looking forward to in the next ten years?

A: A lot!!  We are always looking to continue to grow and improve our services.  2020 was a challenging year but it was a year that we spent a lot of time making some big decisions for the future of this company.  Hiring our first in-house maintenance technician (which we did in Feb of this year!) was something that took years of careful planning and projecting.  It’s a huge step in the direction of growth for Green Ivy.  We will look to continue to grow our maintenance department which will continue to increase our operating efficiency and bring costs down for our owners.  We are in the works of revamping some of our day to day processes like lease renewals, lease executions, tenant maintenance reporting procedures, routine inspection processes, among others all of which will allow us to be more efficient and promote growth of our company.  Some really exciting things in the works!! 


Q: The pandemic was/is tough.  What are you looking forward to most when things get “back to normal”?

A: Easy…..LIVE MUSIC!!

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